Mark Mosher Multimedia

My Single “Disconnected” on Spotify, iTunes, Bandcamp, Amazon, Google Play, CDBaby…

If you follow me on social media you have seen that I’ve released a new single. I wanted to wait till the song was available in wide distribution before I did an official blog post.

I’m happy to announced that “Disconnected” is now available on Bandcamp, Spotify, iTunes, Google Play, Amazon, YouTube, CDBaby, and pretty much every other online store and streaming service.

“Disconnected” is a new electro single and science fiction theme. It contains lots of synth ear candy dancing around in the stereo field for your headphones, big glitchy beats from classic drum machines, and some chiptune sprinkled on top to make your day a little brighter… [liner notes]

Help Support the Track

If You Like Digital Downloads

You can buy high-rez versions from my Bandcamp store. Alternatively, iTunes.

If You Listen on Spotify

  • Follow my artist page on Spotify
  • Add the track to a Spotify playlist and share it with friends

If You Listen on YouTube

Listen here, give a thumbs up and share :^)

Of course just passing it on to friends in general is appreciated.

Mark Mosher Multimedia

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