Mark Mosher Multimedia

Goosebumps and Deep Breaths…I’m trying to restrain myself in writing this review as it’d be easy to come off sounding a bit hyperbolic… But these rich soundscape “stories” sincerely do thrill my senses…

The concept for Sonic Encounters (so far, and in my interpretation) is this… You read a short text (sometimes the title is enough) on the premise of the “story” before listening. Then you listen to a purely sonic piece of field recording morphed with music, electronic manipulation, and performance, and you’re immediately transported via your own imagination’s 3D projection of his premise. Mark’s become a consummate sound artist. He creates powerful imagery and elicits surprisingly keen emotional response from the listener without being heavy-handed. His economy and value in precision is proof of his skill.
My favorite story so far is “Metamorphosis Under the Chatham Light”. I get chills just thinking about it. My very close second is “And What Do Trees Hear When the Wind Blows”. Read each premise before you listen. Or not. No matter, the pieces will creep into your consciousness and take up residence.

Mark Mosher Multimedia

Ableton Ableton Live Ableton Live 6 Absynth Analog Four Boulder Cakewalk Colorado Concert Controllerism Denver Digitone Electronic Music Elektron experimental music free live pack Halloween image-line Improvisation live Mark Mosher Mark Mosher Music Musique concrète Octatrack Percussa percussa audiocubes Podcast Push 2 resolume Sampler Samplers Sonic Encounters Sound Design Soundscape Soundscapes Synth Synthesis Synthesizer Synthesizers Tenori-On Theremin U-HE Video VST Waldorf Blofeld