Mark Mosher Multimedia

Sonic Encounters – An Original Music Podcast by Synthesist Mark Mosher


Sonic Encounters began as a podcast in 2015 and is in it’s fourth season. So for those new to the podcast there are hours of music in the previous 35+ episodes for you to enjoy.

Theses songs are improvisational soundscape with a narrative arc. They are a combination of electronic tonalities derived from pure synthesis from my original sound design work, and musique concrète using original sounds and field recordings. In other words, great for focused listens on headphones or background ambience as you go about your day.

High-rez album versions of past seasons area avilable on Bandcamp.

Listen / Subscribe

You can listen using the player below or better yet, subscribe on Apple Podcasts, follow on Soundcloud, or use this Feed with your fav podcatcher.


“Goosebumps and Deep Breaths…I’m trying to restrain myself in writing this review as it’d be easy to come off sounding a bit hyperbolic… But these rich soundscape “stories” sincerely do thrill my senses.

The concept for Sonic Encounters (so far, and in my interpretation) is this. You read a short text (sometimes the title is enough) on the premise of the “story” before listening. Then you listen to a purely sonic piece of field recording morphed with music, electronic manipulation, and performance, and you’re immediately transported via your own imagination’s 3D projection of his premise.

Mark’s become a consummate sound artist. He creates powerful imagery and elicits surprisingly keen emotional response from the listener without being heavy-handed. His economy and value in precision is proof of his skill.

Read each premise before you listen. [Example notes from Metamorphosis Under the Chatham Light”] Or not. No matter, the pieces will creep into your consciousness and take up residence.”  –

Album Versions

After each season of the podcast completes it is released in album form. Click the covers to buy these albums. Your purchase shows artistic support plus gives you high-rez version of these tracks.

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